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Event Rules

Orcus SSBU Tournament Rules

  1. The venue fee must be payed on site before the tournament games begin.
  2. If you come too late (>15min) to the tournament or a match, you will be disqualified. For notified and justified tardiness the procedure will be decided by the TO.
  3. Bring your own controller (and it's extras) if you don't want to play with Joy-Cons.
  4. Unused tournament game stations (setups) can be used for friendly matches as soon as a host allowed it.
  5. Bring your own Switch with you. We are happy about every Dockin Station as well, to have more Friendly Stations.
  6. The newly introduced fighter Banjo & Kazooie will be BANNED for this tournament due to the short time between the release date and the date of the tournament itself.

We are using the Mirakuru ruleset, since most swiss tournaments use it. The complete ruleset can be found here.


  • 1 vs. 1
  • Best of 3 (Final matches: Best of 5)
  • 3 stocks per game
  • 7 min per game
  • No items
  • Pause: Off
  • Stage hazards: Off
  • The winner of a match is obligated to report the results to an administrator


The rules were written on base of the SwissSmash Rules and the Mirakuru Rules.

Tournament Rules

Orcus Event Rules

Manabar House Rules
  1. You are not allowed to take any food or drinks, into the location. The bar at the Manabar is very neat and they can make you very cool non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails. Catering will be available on site with orders to Domino's Pizza which is next to the Manabar.
  2. Smoking indoors is prohibited
Event Rules
  1. If you have registered for a tournament you have to pay the venue fee of CHF 15.-.
  2. If you want to play any game outside of the tournament and did not register for a tournament you have to pay a fee of CHF 5.-.
  3. Take care of all used hard- and software, the furnishings and other inventory. If you break something, report it to the host.
  4. Be friendly and helpful to all participants.
  5. Follow the instructions of the host and tournament organisers. A hosts word is law.
  6. Physical fights will not be tolerated. Disputes must be dealt with by playing 1 vs. 1 matches.
  7. Thieving will not be tolerated.