Drazen's Wishes

Team Owner




How many upsets (lower seed beating higher seed) in Danger Room's Singles Bracket?
Correct answer: 4-7
How many unique characters will be used in Danger Room's Singles Bracket?
Correct answer: 13-17
How many perfects will there be in Danger Room's Singles Bracket?
Correct answer: 1-3
How many games will be played in Grand Finals, including resets in Danger Room's Singles Bracket?
Correct answer: 4
Who will win All Random Tournament?
Correct answer: NyChrisG
Who will win Bomberman Tournament?
Correct answer: NyChrisG
Who will win Yipes presents SUPER MARIO MAKER?
Correct answer: NyChrisG
Who will win Danger Room's Singles Bracket?
Correct answer: NyChrisG

Score: 1625 points

Team score: 1550
Bonus points: 75