Danger Room 2017


Its your boy Vortex! Those who don't know the name you gone learn today! For those in the know, I'm the MvC champ of New Mexico in the underbelly of Southwest. After years of traveling/grinding to catch up my skills,I've been recognized as one of the most successful and dominate players to emerge from NMISM almost singlehandedly putting NM on the map. I'm trying to take my team( Ryu/Spencer/Akuma) to the danger room to show the world what character specialism is all about by putting my stick,title, and pride in the ring. Now I don't expect to be picked. I understand. I understand the Danger Room and MvC community is afraid of the x-factor.I'm not talking level1, level 2, even level 3! NO! IM TALKING ABOUT ME! THE NEW MEXICO X-FACTOR!!! THE FACTOR THAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK FOR MORE!

now you might be asking how I'm qualified for this? Lets take a look at my track record. Most notably my FT15 with 2 time 3rd place Angelic,made em Calamari. After that he recruited the champ for the curleh BR where more victims went down. Trahh, wasn't hunting mavericks after I was done with em. Quackbot, handpicked his birds feathers with a shoryuken. Rayray, showed him who the best Ryu ACTUALLY was!

I've toppled mountains and their kings.I've gone 0-2 with shattered dreams. I've risen above it all with a low tier team and marked myself as a decorated specialist and best to play MY characters! I'm the plasma chucking, bionic arming, demon flipping,plink dashing, grab teching, button mashing,stick slamming, money matching son of a gun that'll take any bad matchup!

All promotions aside doe, I've played this series since a kid. I love this game and the community of people behind it who make it worth loving. Danger Room would help me promote my scene and myself, which is all I could ask for! If you want to make Ryu great again, and see the NEW MEXICO X-FACTOR in the Danger Room cast your vote for Vortex! ONE LOVE!

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