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Event Rules


  • All matches up to Top 8 are FT2/BO3

  • Top 8 matches are FT3/BO5

  • Default Game Settings

  • Tournament mode ON

  • All characters are available

  • Only Tournament variations are allowed

  • After each match, the loser may change their character, the winner must stay on their last one

  • Maps are to be randomized unless agreed upon by both contestants

Tournament Rules

General tournament rules:

#### 1. The tournament format is Double Elimination. What that means is that if you lose a match, you don't drop out of the tournament, but to Loser's bracket, where you still have a chance to claw your way back to the Finals #### 2. You are allowed to bring your own gear (fight stick, hitbox, a racing wheel...) and use it if it works natively or through a [brook](http://www.brookaccessory.com) converter on PS4 and doesn't have illegal modifications. DS4 controllers will be provided for those who do not have their own #### 3. Changing controls is allowed and is the responsibility of the player to check. #### 4. In the event of opening a Menu during a match, the contestant who opened the menu automatically loses the round(must let the other contestant finish it). If this does not end the match (e.g on round 1 of 3), the match continues after the round is given #### * This can be overruled if the other contestant chooses to allow it ### 5. All games will be played on the default settings, unless otherwise specified, below. ### 6. All macros available via the in-game controller configuration menu are allowed. ### 7. There is a maximum of 30 seconds allowed between games in a set.
#### Game specific rules are listed in their event pages.