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Timeout Rules: If there is a timeout that causes sudden death, the player with the lower percent wins the game. Match communication may take place in the smash.gg match chat or discord.

All match reporting and check-in MUST occur within smash.gg.

Players are expected to be ready to check-in when each round starts.

DQs will be handed out for poor connections. These will be handled by a moderator on a case-by-case basis. Matches will be Best of 3 and best of 5 games will ONLY be Losers and Winners Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, Finals, and grand finals if there are over 100 Entries

No match stalling. You are given 7 minutes to check-in for your match. Attendees will not ask other competitors to wait for long periods of time

Whichever color a team decides. They have to stay alts closest to the colours or the exact colour.

Please Make sure that Both Team 1 is P1 P2 & Team 2 is P3 P4