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There are currently no Brackets for this event.

Game rules:

  • 3 stocks, 8 minutes
  • Items off
  • Hazards off
  • Pause off, if on and pressed will result in stockloss under the supervision of a TO.
  • XXXX Miis allowed, but must be set before the first match begins.
  • If time runs out more stocks and fewer % decide in that oder. If tied, a 1 stock and 3 min match is played on the same stage with same characters.
  • 1-2-1 striking for the first stage before proceeding to blind pick on characters.
  • 2 bans by the winner of a match, can be changed midset.
  • mDSR = last self chosen counterpick stage a player won on cannot be picked by them.
  • Bo3/Bo5 sets as announced.
  • Results screen will always decide match results.

Legal stages:

  • Starter: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Town & City, Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Counterpick: Kalos Pokémon League, Yoshi's Story, Lylat Cruise

General rules:

  • Bring your own controller.
  • Allowed controllers: GameCube controller, pro controller, joycon controllers
  • Match fixing results in DQ for both players.
  • Coaching is banned
  • Disturbing opponents outside of the game will be punished accordingly, generally with DQ.
  • If a player does not show up 10 minutes after the game has been announced, he loses match 1. Addional 5 minutes for every further match.
  • TOs reserve the right to refuse admission or disqualify any players (e.g. for harassment, illegal actions, etc.) if deemed necessary